Saturday, November 19, 2011

Was WW2 really a war about global imperial domination between the United Sates and Germany?

Sorry, I just can't take your question seriously with a name like that.

But I just wanted to point out that Japan did not invade Pearl Harbor. They never landed any troops, just bombed it. And the US did not "let" it happen. If they had allowed it deliberately, I don't the entire battleship fleet would have been lined up for the slaughter like it was.

Was WW2 really a war about global imperial domination between the United Sates and Germany?
Now, where does Asia fit into your scheme of things?

"Was World War II really a war about global imperial domination between the United States and Japan?"

Japan was a member of the Axis - see the Tripartite Pact.

Now, for your answer - no.
Reply:Absolutely not.

Initially it was about Hitler's wish to colonise eastern Europe and Russia.

This brought him into conflict with Poland,France and Britain and , later on, the Soviet Union.

The USA was a very late comer to the war and did not join until December 1941 when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and two days later Hitler declared war on the USA
Reply:The Germans were certainly after world domination, but the US was not after world domination.

Under Roosevelt, the US was heading towards self-determination for its colonies, the Philippines, Hawaii, Cuba, etc. That changed under Harry Truman.


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